Friday Questions & Answers: You down with BBT?

Happy Friday! When we first opened up our Friday Question and Answer blog, we got tons of great questions. One of the topics that we received the most questions about was basal body temperature (BBT). Today, Conceivable Founder Kirsten Karchmer, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about BBT. 

What is BBT?

BBT stands for basal body temperature. Basal body temperature is the body’s resting temperature and an important indicator of your fertile potential.

4 Things Your Period Can Tell You About Your Fertility

If you've ever compared notes with a girlfriend, you've likely found that your periods are as different as your wardrobes. Clotting, cramping, heavy bleeding, light bleeding…women’s menstrual cycles run the gamut of experience.   

All those differences are no big deal and are completely normal, right? Wrong. Paying attention to what happens during that time of the month can actually tell you a lot about the quality of the uterine lining itself and therefore, your fertility. Let’s take a look.

New Feature: Friday Questions and Answers

Happy Friday Everyone!

Today, we're really excited to announce that we'll be starting a new feature on the Conceivable Blog: Questions and Answers with our Founders. The Conceivable team has over 15 years of clinical experience working with women struggling to get pregnant, and we really like being able to share that experience with women that can benefit from it.

Every Friday, we'll answer your great questions about fertility, the Conceivable Program, or whatever else you're wondering about. Don't be afraid - fertility is really complicated and can be super confusing - there are no silly questions! Ask away!

You can email us your questions at and be sure to follow the blog to see your answers! We'll see you next Friday with our first Q&A. 

What Color Is Your Period? What Your Menstrual Blood Says About Your Fertility

If you’re like most women, when that time of the month hits, you’re already ready for it to be over. However, I stress to my patients that your menses are an incredibly important gauge of your health and fertility. In fact, the color of your menstrual blood can be incredibly telling.

Menstrual blood can run spectrum of hues—from watery pink, fresh red, rusty brown, blue, and even black. But what do all these variations mean? More importantly, what can your period color mean for your fertility? 

Building a Fertile Cycle, Month by Month

We sometimes call the Conceivable Cycle our secret sauce, but there's really nothing too secret about it. The Conceivable Cycle is just the ideal cycle for conception and it's really the core of the Conceivable Program. By helping women make positive lifestyle changes that support a fertile cycle, Conceivable can help take you from less fertile to more fertile.

We built the Conceivable Program to give women real tools to make a positive change, not only for their fertility, but for their whole lives. And while the goal of Conceivable is to help women realize their dreams of having a family, our mission is to use technology to help women make healthy lifestyle changes that persist long after pregnancy. 

We know that change isn't always easy, but Conceivable is here to help you take the baby steps that lead to big breakthroughs. Month after month, Conceivable helps you build your most fertile cycle ever. The best news? Research shows that women whose cycles closely resemble a Conceivable Cycle are more likely to get and stay pregnant. Now that's a period we can get excited about!