
During nearly 20 years of running one of the largest and most influential reproductive acupuncture clinics in North America, I worked with thousands of couples diagnosed as infertile. Although many of them wished desperately for a child, the high cost or ineffectiveness of conventional fertility treatments left them unable to get pregnant and carry a baby to term.

Over that time, I pioneered new strategies that help couples improve their chances of conceiving, by integrating the best of conventional reproductive medicine and natural fertility care.

In my clinical practice, many people who had been diagnosed with ovulatory problems, high FSH, advanced maternal age, and a host of other commonly diagnosed fertility issues, were able to conceive by embracing my program, without having to spend tens of thousands of dollars. Based on this success, I became passionate about expanding the reach of the program to all who can benefit from it.

I’ve worked with a diverse team of medical doctors, OBGYNs, reproductive endocrinologists, infertility specialists and pharmacists to create the program I delivered in my clinics. I felt frustrated by being limited by how many couples I could help. I also realized that acupuncture, while helpful, wasn’t a critical aspect of my program. It was the ability to clearly diagnose the underlying cause and build customized solutions that made the biggest difference. Now Im consulting with couples from all over the world to help make their dreams reality.

I truly hope to be your partner on your journey to a happy, healthy baby.

Kirsten Karchmer, Founder and CEO

Kirsten Karchmer, Founder & CEO

A New Fertility Philosophy

I work diligently to look past the standard diagnose of infertility toward the underlying health factors and disease states that may be causing them. By identifying why you aren’t getting pregnant, we can help you make progress, naturally.

Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant?

Most women think of infertility as a diagnosis like poor egg quality, insufficient uterine lining, low progesterone, high FSH levels, PCOS, or endometriosis. There is often much more to the story.

What's Really Going On?

In many cases these diagnosed conditions result from underlying disease states like diminished hormone function, irregular menstrual cycles, problematic body temperature, and others. Modifiable lifestyle factors like hydration, sleep, stress, and diet can also have a tremendous impact on natural fertility. By understanding your body in these terms, we can quickly gain a new understanding of why you are having difficulty getting or staying pregnant.

The Great News

What most don’t realize is that these underlying issues can be dramatically improved through a natural approach. By integrating Chinese herbs formulas with highly customized recommendations for modifying lifestyle behaviors, it is possible to regulate hormones, menstrual function, and body temperature over just a few months, ultimately boosting your overall fertility and chances of conceiving.

Meet Our Team


Kirsten Karchmer

Founder & CEO

Kirsten Karchmer, is a health tech pioneer, women’s health expert, and is the founder and CEO of Brazen - a Women’s Health company dedicated to ending menstrual misery.  She spent 20 years helping improve the fertility and cycles of over 10,000 women. 

Kirsten has presented at SXSW, Health 2.0, Fertility PlanIt, and lectures internationally on infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, women’s health, the future of integrative medicine, and using technology to better serve patients, providers, and healthcare systems. Kirsten has been recognized as one of the top female start-up founders to watch, the recipient of the Texas Trailblazer award for innovation in health care, and is a contributor to Washington Post, Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, and Goop Magazine. She is also the author of the new book Seeing Red.


Medical Advisory Board

Dr. Francisco Arredondo, MD, MPH

Reproductive Endocrinologist & Fertility Specialist

Doctor Francisco Arredondo is a respected and experienced clinician and has published numerous papers and textbook chapters on infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. In addition, he has presented research findings and scientific data at both national and international meetings.


Dr. Aimee Browne, MD

Reproductive Endocrinologist & Fertility Specialist

Dr. Browne has published several book chapters and co-authored peer-reviewed journal articles on topics including in vitro fertilization, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, predictors of ovarian reserve, and endometriosis. She has been an invited speaker at several national meetings and has given lectures in the areas of ovarian aging, tubal factor infertility, and obesity. Dr. Browne’s primary clinical interests include in vitro fertilization, polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity’s effect on fertility, and diminished ovarian reserve.

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