The Real Reason Stress Is Terrible For Fertility — And What To Do About It

You've heard it a million times: stress is bad for your fertility. But as many times as you've heard it, you've probably never gotten a great answer as to why.

What I want to do is help you understand why you should be concerned with the amount of stress in your life and how it directly affects the underlying issues that contribute to your overall fertility.

So why does stress have such a negative effect on our fertility? Keep reading to find out...

How You Can Pinpoint Fertility Issues With Your BBT Chart

Tracking your basal body temperature (BBT) can be great for predicting ovulation so you and your partner will know the best time to get it on, but that's not the only trick your BBT can do. Basal body temperature charts (BBTs) can also help you identify possible fertility issues. 

While it’s ideal to see an obvious biphasic BBT chart — that's a chart with low temperatures the first half of the cycle and high temperatures the second half — many women experience all kinds of variations. And those variations can give us clues into what may be going on with your fertility.

Learn what your BBT can tell you about your fertility...

Simple Fertility Fix — Detox Your Environment

Have you ever considered your soap might be to blame for your fertility struggles? Probably not, right? But new studies show that this may be an important part of the puzzle for many couples who struggle to conceive. A 2009 study revealed that the typical American home contains more than 500 chemicals, many of which are known to have anti-androgenic and/or estrogenic effects on our bodies.

Find out how these everyday chemicals might be affecting your chances of getting pregnant...

3 Tips For Surviving Thanksgiving (Or Really Any Holiday)

Ohhhhhhhh Thanksgiving. The time of year when we count our blessings by trying to eat our own weight in pie. As if the holidays weren’t a challenge enough, they can be extra miserable if you’re struggling to conceive. Between familial expectations and nosy relatives, even the most holiday-spirit-filled among us can be driven to craziness.

So what’s it take to make it through Thanksgiving with a modicum of sanity remaining? We’ve put together a couple of tips to help you put your best foot forward.

Is Your Normal Semen Analysis Really Normal?

So you’ve done your duty and gotten a semen analysis. Everything came back normal so that means you’re in the clear and you’ll have a baby in no time, right?

Not necessarily. Unfortunately, a normal semen analysis score doesn’t mean you’re completely in the clear. 

While a semen analysis is a great, simple way to get a snapshot of the strength of the male reproductive system, it's not a perfect assessment by any means. If you scored on the low side of the normal range in any of the tests, you and your partner may still have difficulty conceiving.

Learn why....