Is Your Menstrual Cycle “Conceivable”?

The Conceivable program 

The Conceivable program 

The goal of all infertility treatment is to increase the odds of conceiving in a certain cycle. Familiar treatments, like using clomid or even ART, try to increase the odds of conception by increasing the probability that eggs and sperm will get together. It’s a numbers game: increase the quantity of sperm, eggs, and interaction between the two, and your chances improve.

But it’s not all about quantity, quality matters too.

There’s loads of peer-reviewed medical research that demonstrates that quality has a significant impact on your ability to conceive, most importantly the quality of your menstrual cycle.

It’s easy to forget that our menstrual cycles are about one thing: reproduction. Our cycles are perfectly designed to prepare an egg to be fertilized and to ready the uterine environment for the implantation and growth of a freshly-fertilized embryo. But that’s only if your cycle is working the way it should.

A healthy menstrual cycle supports fertility, while an unhealthy cycle can make it difficult to conceive.

In our clinical practice, we looked not only at the current medical research, but also at the menstrual cycles of 1000’s of patients. This experience allowed us to analyze the characteristics of both infertile and fertile cycles — what was working and what wasn’t — and identify the optimal cycle for conception: the Conceivable cycle.

So what does a fertile cycle look like? A Conceivable cycle features:

  • A 28-day, regular cycle

  • Ovulation occurring on cycle day 14 without pain or spotting and with abundant stretchy, clear cervical discharge

  • No PMS symptoms whatsoever—No mood changes, headaches, low back pain, spotting, gas or bloating.

  • Bleeding that lasts four—and only four—days with fresh, red blood that is free of any clotting or pain

You might be thinking—no way, not my period. Many women who are struggling to conceive experience a wide range of menstrual issues such as severe cramping, long or short cycles, clotting, and absence of ovulation.

Here’s the great news. For most women, a Conceivable cycle is totally possible. And it gets better. As your cycle starts to improve, your chances of conceiving improve as well.

Conceivable is the only program that helps women develop a personalized plan to improve the quality of her menstrual cycle. Conceivable uses customized monthly supplements, a personalized wellness program, and unique tracking and analytics to improve your chance of conceiving each and every month.