The One Thing You Should Eat Every Day If You're Trying To Get Pregnant

The One Thing You Should Eat Every Day If You're Trying To Get Pregnant

Your digestive system has it tough. It has take all that good food you eat — and all the junk too — and turn it into the nutrients that fuel your body and keep you running in top form. It’s those nutrients that nourish your maturing eggs, keep your hormones balanced, build your uterine lining, and, eventually, will help build a whole new person inside you. That’s a big ask!

When we don’t eat the cleanest food, our digestion and metabolism are damaged and they don’t perform as well. This means that we have a harder time converting food into energy and the building blocks that our body needs. Environmental toxins and chemicals in our food can also damage digestion. It’s like putting dirty gas in your car’s engine — it’s not going to burn hot and clean, and you’re not going to get very far.

For many women, this is why you can eat a perfect diet but you still feel fatigued, bloated, and gain weight — your digestive system is damaged and it can’t handle the fuel you’re giving it. The solution: reviving digestive function and revitalizing your metabolism.

One Thing To Do Today For A More Fertile New Year

One Thing To Do Today For A More Fertile New Year

Welp, the holidays are pretty much over, and it’s now officially resolution season.

I’m lukewarm on resolutions. It’s easy to overdo it, underdo it, and the fact of the matter is that most of them just don’t stick. I love the intention behind resolutions, but the reality just hardly ever works out.

If you made a resolution to live healthier this year, I wholeheartedly wish you nothing but success. But that wish is gonna come with a little advice...

Easing the Emotional Strain of Infertility

There's a famous saying: “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” This is such a remarkable reminder that all of us will experience pain at some point in our lives. It is part of the very fabric of being human! What we do with that pain, however, can be transformational.

So what in the world does that mean?

We have the fundamental choice of how to relate to pain. Learn more about how you can actively decrease suffering and gain emotional freedom, even while living with the ups and downs of everyday life...

The Gift of Thriving Instead of Just Surviving

Happy Tuesday y'all! Today's blog is featured in Keiko Zoll's great online magazine, The Infertility Voice. I love getting to contribute to this great project, where women from all across the world of infertility get to share, dream, and hope together. I highly recommend checking it out.

This month's issue is all about gifts — and what's better than getting the perfect gift for yourself. But what if that gift is actually already inside you, just waiting to be unwrapped. The gift I'm talking about is compassion, about allowing yourself a chance to change the way you feel about your fertility struggle, and to start living in the present. Here's an excerpt:

Every year around this time when everyone is getting excited about the holidays, you start seeing all of these really depressing articles coming out about surviving infertility during the holidays. 

I hate that! I want to offer you something different. I don’t want you to just survive the holidays. I want you to THRIVE in the face of infertility, every day of the year.

Struggling with infertility is challenging on every level, but what I want to share with you today is that we actually have the ability to decide just how hard it is for us. Yes. It is painful, but the reality is that you DO have the power to make it less impactful on your life today, right now.

You can't control everything, especially not infertility, but you can change the way you relate to your struggle. Read the rest of today's blog over at The Infertility Voice here.

The Slow Conception Movement

Have you heard of the Slow Food Movement? The movement was founded in Italy in 1986 in response to the growth of the fast food industry. Slow Food is basically the opposite of fast food, it's all about choosing sustainable ingredient options and taking time to prepare foods with traditional methods. By slowing down, you can find pleasure and value in the process of preparing and eating food — not just the result.

Each year, the Slow Food community celebrates Terra Madre (Mother Earth) Day on December 10th. It's a day to look at where our food, our basic nourishment, comes from, and what our food future looks like. Of course, at Conceivable, we couldn't help think about how this all might relate to baby making, so we asked ourselves a few questions:

How can Slow Food ideas be applied to baby making? Can we radically change the way that we think about building new people? Can we make impeccable choices in our own lives that will have lasting, positive effects on the person that we create?

We can and we should.