Unlike women who are constantly reminded of their ticking biological clocks, men often get a free pass to become a father at any age. A woman trying to conceive in her upper 30s may feel like her fertility is constantly under scrutiny, while her older husband’s potential fertility issues can get brushed under the rug. But just because the world isn't paying attention to men's biological clocks, doesn't mean they're not important...
Forget The Flowers: Give Her The Gift Of Improved Fertility
Having trouble coming up with the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your wife or partner this year? Don’t bother with the jewelry and chocolate—give her the gift of improved fertility instead. It's a whole lot sweeter.
If your fertility hasn’t been tested, schedule your semen analysis and be sure to understand what your results mean. For help analyzing your numbers, check out our blog posts Are Your Swimmers In Shape? The Five Most Important Numbers In A Semen Analysis and Is Your Semen Analysis Really Normal?
In the meantime, here are three things you can do today to get your fertility on the right track...
BBT Patterns That Indicate Fertility Issues
In my 15+ years of practice, I’ve seen tens of thousands of BBT charts. I quickly started recognizing distinct relationships between the waves of a woman’s BBT chart and her ovulation patterns, quality and quantity of cervical discharge, estrogen and progesterone levels, FSH, egg quality, and likelihood to present with PMS. In fact, with one look at a BBT chart, I can usually pinpoint the major reasons a woman is struggling to get pregnant.
While many women keep BBT charts as a way to predict ovulation, there's actually SOOOOOO much more a BBT chart can tell you — and when ovulation is occurring is usually the least important.
Here are are a few things I immediately look for as warning signs of fertility issues...
Want to Get Pregnant? Don't Fall for These Common Fertility Myths
I’ve written before about some common fertility beliefs that are totally wrong (Check out our blog post 7 Common Fertility Beliefs That Are Totally Wrong), but this recent CNN article reminded me that there is even more bad information out there to dispel!
Here are four more super-common fertility myths that need to be put to rest...
The Fertility Superfood You're NOT Eating (But Probably Should)
I know you’re not eating enough of this one fertility superfood. How do I know? Because research says that only 1 in 7 Americans eat these on any given day. That’s crazy!
I’m not talking about some crazy berry that only grows on the shores of a volcanic lake in some far off land that only gets ripe once every seven years and can only be picked by blind virgins. I’m not talking about something you can only buy at Whole Foods and costs $45/pound. I’m talking about something that you can find in every market in the US (probably in the world, for that matter), and will cost you less than a buck a pound. Oh, and did I mention it can cut your infertility risk by 50%? Seriously.
So what is this magical food? It’s not esoteric. It’s not sexy...